The Upper Ulip/Matangad Cu-Au Prospect is located 3 kms northwest of Diwalwal. It is defined by a north-south trending 700 meter by 2 km zone with sporadic to extensive quartz stockworks and a possible copper deposit at depth. Quartz veinings and stockworklngs are found on rock outcrops along Upper Ulip and Matangad rivers. Quartz-calcite veinlets have visible copper minerals such as chalcopyrite and bornite. The host rock in the area is chloritic and pyritic andesite porphyry. Malachite and azurite stainings are present on the outcrops in the creek and on the walls of abandoned and active adits in the area. The copper values from the channel cuts ranged up to 0.97% Cu with minimal gold values less than 0.2 ppm. Point samples have copper values of 2.2 to 4.3% and gold values of 0.08 to 0.15 ppm.
Quartz-calcite veinings in the area ranged from 0.5 to 2.7 m in width and trend N-S to NNW and dips 45-85 to the east and west. These quartz veins are white to grey, massive to brecciated, with rhodochrosite, epidote, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, bornite and gray silicified, pyritized inclusions. A 2.2 m wide strongly gougy, pyritized-chloritized zone with grey pyritic quartz inclusion has assayed 5.6 ppm Au and 162.18 ppm Cu.