
Philippine Standard Time:

Gender and Development


Davao City – The PMDC’s Business Development Department and Community Relations Team joined this year’s Comrel Conference, one of the important highlights of the 70th ANMSEC (Annual Mine Safety and Environment Conference) held on November 19-21, 2024 in Baguio City. With this year’s theme “Transforming Community Relations for a Sustainable Tomorrow”, the resource speakers shared to the participants insightful ideas, strategies, and inspiring success stories showcasing some of the mining industry’s best practices especially in the implementation of their Social Development and Management Programs (SDMPs).

Aside from the learning session, the participants also had the chance to engage with some representatives of mining companies as well as suppliers of mining equipment and services who participated in the Mine Safety Exhibit where products, services, programs and projects were also showcased.

The PMDC through its Business Development Department in particular had initially touched base with prospective partners as the corporation will implement its bench-marking activity next year. The PMDC plans to partner and learn from leading mining companies not only in the implementation of SDMPs but also in the implementation of their safety and environment protection programs, livelihood programs that contribute to local economic development, responsible mining practices, and other important projects and programs that support and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) especially on SDG # 5- Gender Equality that will help ensure the active participation and contribution of women in the mining sector.

The PMDC participants who are also part of the Gender Focal Point System (GFPS) intends to collaborate with the mining industry leaders to further improve its Gender and Development (GAD) programs in support to its initiative that is to ensure the active participation and contribution of all women and men employees towards achieving its mandate and improving its performance as the mining arm of the government.

Violence against women (VAW) is a grave violation of women’s rights and fundamental freedoms. It manifests deep-seated discrimination and gender inequality and continues to be one of the country’s perennial social problems. The National Demographic Health Survey 2017, released by the Philippine Statistics Authority, showed that 1 in 4 Filipino women, aged 15-49, has experienced physical, emotional or sexual violence from their husband or partner.   While the global estimates by the World Health Organization indicate that about 1 in 3 women (35%) worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual violence from intimate partner or non-partner in their lifetime.

The United Nations define VAW as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or likely to result in, physical, sexual, or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life.” Violence and the threats of violence can be experienced by every woman of any age, skin color, gender identity, ethnicity, religion, disabilities, economic, and social status.

Read more: 2020 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women


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   By 2028, PMDC is sustainable mining firm generating bigger revenues for the State, embracing international standards in responsible mining, promoting progressive and resilient communities and advancing Gender Equality and Social Inclusion through its policies, programs, and projects. 
   PMDC as the government’s mining arm aims to generate revenues and promote progressive resilient communities through gender responsive, social inclusive and responsible mining. 

   1. To integrate, attain and ensure gender-responsive governance and policy making.

   2. To build competence of GFPS/CODI members and other relevant staff on GAD concepts and applications.